Winter Garden

2015 hallmarks my first winter garden.  I have planted cabbage, carrots, beats,  kale, sugar peas, broccoli, rapini, spinach, bok choy, and brussel sprouts.  So far everything is growing great!  My cherry tomato plant from last spring is still hanging on for dear life and producing some tomatoes here and there and much to my great surprise I have some volunteer potatoes popping up in the side garden.  I found that when I transplanted the seedlings from the greenhouse to the garden I put a walnut size dollop of worm castings with them and it really helped given them a good start.  I believe that it helped cut the transplant shock.  I have given them a dose of fish and guano fertilizer about every two weeks since it has gotten cold, I usually fertilize weekly.  We have very poor soil here and I am still in the soil building stage.  We live in the foothills of the Angeles National Forest and our soil is mainly sand, rock and gravel.  I plan on planting berries and more fruit trees in January.  Another baby step towards sustainable living.  I am hoping to get the grey water system set up before spring.  We have had consistent rain, which has been great, I have not had to water often, but this is unusual for our area of Southern California.  We can thank the rain to El Nino.  I continue to build Olla’s for the garden and all the tree’s and hope to have an entire system by summer.  I am almost finished with my BSN so my entries to my blog should be far more consistent and interesting!  Thank you for stopping by and seeing what is going on at Our Harvest Home 🙂

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